Prince William, VA Divorce Attorneys
Pursuing Durable & Workable Family Law Solutions – Divorce Lawyers in Prince William
When you face the prospect of a divorce, you might well be struggling with a myriad of emotions and concerns about the future. The breakdown of your marriage is a traumatic event that impacts nearly every facet of your life, including your parent-child relationship, living situation, monthly income, and financial security. Amidst this type of stress and turmoil, our Prince William, VA divorce attorneys at ROOP XANTTOPOULOS BABOUNAKIS & KLAM PLLC are committed to being part of the solution by diffusing conflict, innovating constructive solutions, and providing compassionate handling of sensitive family law matters.
Although spouses can pursue a divorce without legal representation, the impact of such a decision on the division of marital property, child custody and visitation, and spousal support can be devastating. If you and your spouse cannot resolve these issues, a judge will decide based on a unique set of subjective factors for each issue. Our experienced Prince William divorce attorneys have in-depth knowledge of these factors, so we have the ability to gather the relevant evidence, secure the appropriate witnesses, persuasively apply the facts to the relevant factors, and persuasively present your position in litigation.
While we are prepared to tenaciously pursue our client’s interests in a contested divorce, we embrace the value of a constructive durable settlement. We work with you to reduce animosity and negotiate family law solutions that can ease stress, promote stability for your children, mitigate the cost of divorce, and achieve more lasting divorce solutions than one constructed by a judge lacking familiarity with your circumstances and family dynamics. Because our Prince William law firm focuses on divorce and family law matters, we have the experience and expertise to design creative and durable divorce settlements. Our approach promotes amicable co-parenting relationships that decrease the risk of future conflict, necessitating repeated modification and enforcement hearings after you have a divorce decree.
Whether you are involved in an uncontested divorce or a hostile highly contested divorce, our Prince William divorce lawyers provide effective representation in a full range of divorce matters and related family law matters that include:
- Reviewing Proposed Settlements and Drafting Settlement Agreements (Uncontested Divorce)
- Divorces involving the valuation and division of a business
- Contested custody disputes that include parental move aways or allegations regarding parental fitness (e.g. substance abuse, domestic violence, child neglect)
- Alternate Dispute Resolution (mediation, collaborative divorce)
- Post-Judgment Modifications and Enforcement Proceedings
- Fault-Based Divorce (e.g. abandonment, cruelty, adultery, or felony with incarceration minimum of one year)
- Division of 401K, Pensions, and other Retirement Accounts
- Protective Orders
- Divorces Involving Assets That Pose Valuation Challenges Like Stock Options
- Establishing Paternal Rights and Financial Obligations (e.g. custody, child support)
- Spouses Hiding Income Streams, Giving Away Marital Property, or Wasting Assets
At ROOP XANTTOPOULOS BABOUNAKIS & KLAM PLLC, our attorneys have decades of collective experience representing spouses in hundreds upon hundreds of divorces while successfully resolving issues that include:
Child Custody and Visitation: Our Prince William, VA divorce attorneys guide our clients past emotional roadblocks while anticipating all potential issues that could cause conflict over parenting time or other parental responsibilities and rights. If an agreement cannot be reached, our Prince William divorce lawyers effectively pursuing our clients’ position under the best interest of the child standard based on the relevant factors.
Equitable Distribution of Property: While many Virginia divorces will involve an equal division of marital property, the legal term”equitable distribution of property” has a meaning more akin to a “fair” division of marital property. Marital property includes that property acquired during marriage other than by inheritance, gift or appreciation from separate property. Our lawyers will conduct the appropriate formal or informal discovery and analyze financial documents to ensure our client receives a favorable property disposition.
Spousal Support (Alimony): Whether you are the spouse who will receive spousal support or the party who will be obligated to pay, the size and duration of the award can have a profound impact on your monthly budget and long-term financial well-being. Our Prince William, VA divorce attorneys use our thorough understanding of the relevant factors the court will consider. We gather financial information and documents to establish the marital standard of living and other considerations the impact a spousal support award.
Child Support: If you have concerns about the amount of child support that might be ordered under the Virginia Child Support Guidelines, our attorneys can provide an estimated presumptive amount during your initial consultation. We represent parents in proceeding to establish child support both involving married and unmarried parents, as well as post-judgment enforcement and modification proceedings.
The attorneys at ROOP XANTTOPOULOS BABOUNAKIS & KLAM PLLC will bring their experience, empathy, and talent to work for the best interests of you and your family. If you would like to request an appointment, please contact our family law firm by calling 703.442.0040, or by sending us an email.

If you would like to request an appointment please contact our family law firm by calling (703) 442-0040
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